19 October 2002

Quote : "All arguements about the last war apart, I believe Hitler was a lunatic. I believe his astonishing grip on the german and other people was due mainly to the radio.His shrieking was compulsive, and many a time i listened to him myself. His contagion was infective.
But how many of the other lies and fancies...are due to the newspapers? I feel the true answer is : Not a few. Reckless newspapers in search of circulation and notoriety can incense bodies of readers to the point of causing a war which would not otherwise, from economic reasons, happen at all.
I think the record of the press of this country is clean enough, though it may be mainly because we are a small country and our capacity for originating mischief is small. Still, I think the point I have been trying to make is worth making." End quotes.
flann O 'brien, "Myles away from Dublin", Paladin.Grafton Books, 1990.

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